Welcome to TaskIn Tutoring Team!We are a friendly and results-driven team of tutors specializing in academic excellence across the learning spectrum from special needs to general and advanced academic enhancement, including test prep and more. Founded in 2010, taskIN tutoring team serves the New York City and Palm Beach area, provides in home tutoring for students age three onwards. We use a synergistic learning process that works not only to help create an interactive learning environment but also bridges the gap between creative, at-home study and formalized education. We tutor children in all subject areas.
We have a comprehensive focus and help bring our students to a mastery level and enhance education in all areas. We believe in foundational learning, we bring our children a bottom up learning process. We work with our students and families to make this happen. We are a long term solution for struggling learners, that will enable them to work independently in the future.
We proudly have a team of tutors who specialize in working with children with ADD, ADHD, Dyslexia, Sensory Processing Disorders and Delays. Our tutors have educational disciplines designed to help children with learning disabilities. We understand the need of a different learning style. We use multi-sensory techniques in instructing, and we are not limited by traditional teaching methods.
If the AABL & ISAAGY Checklist Have You in a Tizzy, e-mail Us Now and Let's Get Busy!